Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008

give that baby his bible back!

saturday was nikolaus!

on friday night we cleaned out our shoes and put them near the door. overnight, 'nikolaus' came and left sweets and tea and alcohol and tickets to see Tarzan in our shoes!


saturday night we went to see a really, really awkward a cappella concert. like, really really awkward.

on sundays, our kitchen gets hit with the cookie baking stick. i didn't get a full picture of the damage, but estimated counts predict cookie production was above 200.

first we baked spritzers. apparently the thing we use to push the dough into shape used to be used with meat. willi manned the machine and i twisted dough into shapes and occassionally almut helped. my oldest host sister was home and helped with the chocolate dipping.

cookies 1

cookies 2

cookies 3

then i made ginger-chocolate cookies which involved dicing 200 grams of candied ginger and shredding 300 grams of chocolate. the cookies taste quite good, though.

then we nommed lunch. i'd like to point out that reason 900 why I'm gaining weight is that a light lunch consists of: faux chicken nuggets, cauliflower with butter sauce and breadcrumbs, mashed potatoes (flesh eaters eating wurst) and a dessert of baked apples and ice cream.

then i took a bath and learned some new words. i need a haircut. my feet are cold. chocolate coma. worked a bit on english. read my book. etc.


1 Kommentar:

John hat gesagt…

hi Katie! i found your blog and i really enjoy it! your writing is awesome... i hope germany is going well for you...

PS.....if your interested, i also have a blog... :)